Student’s Testimonial

Testimonials: Hanbridge Preparatory Courses

“I had a wonderful time at Hanbridge! I learnt a lot. At the start, I could not even pass any English spelling. But I managed to pass my AEIS and get into Geylang Methodist Primary School”

Zhou San Yu, Hong Kong, AEIS Preparatory Course

“Biggest feeling is that the teachers are amiable and respect every student…Teachers teach us to think divergently, not just stand in the “square” …”

Yang Ting, China Business Management student

“Attending the “O” level course at Hanbridge school helped me to achieve my dream”

Jiang Xuewei, China, GCE “O” Level preparatory course (Temasek Polytechnic, Diploma in Green Building & Sustainability/Nanyang Technological University Singapore)

“I received a lot of help from the school, studying in Hanbridge school is really fantastic”

Tran Quang Duy, Vietnam, GCE “O” Level (Toronto Humber College, Canada)

“Studying at Hanbridge is an amazing experience”

Dai RuoYu, China, GCE “O” Level (Republic Polytechnic, Diploma in Consumer Behaviour and Research/Singapore Management University)

“I was lucky to have studied at Hanbridge…teachers were full of kindness…”

Jiang JinMing, China, GCE “O” Level (Singapore Polytechnic, Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering)

“The academic staff make a concerted effort to provide us with holistic education”

Zhou Sining, China, GCE “O” Level (Singapore Polytechnic, Civic Engineering)

Testimonials: School of Business

“I learnt business management, marketing, accounting…useful for me to be a future businessman to cope with demands of new situations and new markets”

Li Jialong, China Business Management student

“Biggest feeling is that the teachers are amiable and respect every student…Teachers teach us to think divergently, not just stand in the “square” …”

Yang Ting, China Business Management student

“Through this experience, I not only broadened my horizons but also achieved a new goal. I applied for postgraduate studies in the UK after graduating with my undergraduate degree, and finally received offers from five famous universities”

Wang Yue Ying Business Management student

Testimonials: Centre for Adult Learning

“The trainer is professional and knowledgeable; I attended the course with a few friends and we gained significantly”

Gary Tang, Owner, NUS International Pte Ltd